Lord Brahma gave the boon and Mahishi went to Devaloka and started harassing the Devas. Mahishi asked Lord Brahma to bless her with a boon by which nobody, except the son created out of the union of Hari and Haran, (Vishnu and Siva) would be able to kill her. Lord Brahma appeared and offered to confer on Mahishi any boon except that of immortality. Chandikadevi set out on her mission and killed Mahishasura in a duel, on the earth.Mahishi, daughter of Karamba, brother of Ramban undertook a severe penance towards god in order to take revenge on the Devas, who were responsible for the death of her brother. The Devas,seeing the atrocities committed by Mahishasura came to the conclusion that only a divine power could kill him and approached Chandikadevi pleading to put an end to Mahishasura who was misusing the boon given by Lord Brahma. Fearing his wrath, people ran away to far away places. Mahishasura, armed with this boon, began to commit atrocities and murders on the earth and terrorized people. Mahishasura asked Lord Brahma to give him a boon by which nobody in the earth would be able to kill him, and Lord Brahma conferred the Boon on him. Lord Brahma tried every tactics to stop his Dhavam, but having failed in his attempts, appeared before the Asura and asked him what boon he wanted, from him. Mahishasura, Son of Ramban, undertook a severe penance (Dhavam) towards God. Leela was reborn as Mahishi, daughter of Karamba, brother of Ramban. Finally Madhava cursed her to become a she buffelo with devilish disposal. After several years of married life, Madhavan felt that it was time for them to renounce worldly pleasures and turn entirely to spiritual ways.

They were very devout and in deep love for each other. Leela and her husband Madhava were both children of learned Brahmins.